Forest Ho-Chen:
Why the Earth isn't Flat
Viona was talking, and talking she was
She was talking and walking and balking with ruzz.
But the class had stood silent, they looked at her face
And the radical leader stood up in their place.
“You think we are hopeless and think we are lost”
As the radical leader spoke up with a cause.
“I know what I think and it makes lots of sense
And it doesn’t take knowledge that costs more than cents.”
So Viona walked up to the front of the room
And to arguments other, she wanted to doom.
“I’ll show you’re all wrong, I will show why I’m right
For the shape of the Earth, I am willing to fight!”
With no filler or faller or fluttering tools,
Our Viona was talking some sense to these fools,
“So the first thing to note is the shape of our moon,
If the moon can be round, why can’t Earth be round too?”
Then she drew up a sight of a lunar eclipse,
And the shadow was round like a circle ellipse,
“How do you plan to talk about sights just like these
If the Earth is a flat watered disk with some trees?”
And the radicals shook and they started to think,
And they think and they wink and they made a strange link,
“But Viona, you know that we’ve never gone there,
How can space exist anywhere without some air?”
Viona replied with a smile on her face,
She was putting bad arguments back in their place.
“We have been to the moon, and it wasn’t a fake,
And your model makes moon landing easy as cake,
With the moon only miles away from the Earth,
Why can’t we just travel up there, ain’t it worth?”
“To fake a moon landing is harder than hard,
And the Russians did not even try to bombard
Our statement that we went up there to the moon
And do you ever notice that tides exist too?”
“But actually,” one of the radicals said,
“Just some twenty-one years and that statement’s so dead.
When they say that it’s fake, they would know all along,
That our faking is just like an autotuned song.”
To that, as the author, I just have to say,
Wrong timeline, now back to the talk of the day.
From Viona, a dream ‘bout a hemisphere flat,
The celestial sphere, but with just half of that,
And she drew on the board what she had in her mind,
And this argument should fix the dumbest of kinds.
“Astronomists look at the sky and they see
A rotation of stars ‘round the far NCP,
North Celestial Pole if I spell that thing out,
But it’s really the Earth axis we’re spinning about.”
“And the stars stay in place, or at least seem to do.”
But you know this already, and this is part two.
I’m repeating myself, a bad writer I am,
So go look at this article or this exam.
“But maybe the lizards in charge put that up!”
An opposer said to her like ice in a cup,
But Viona replied, “but they still are like us,
They’re still humans and people, not bots full of fuss.”
“Biological evidence shows they’re like us,
And the clear observations show sun’s not that sus,
It will set everyday going under the ground,
Not the air where it shrinks and it makes a dumb sound.”
She could go on for hours debunking these claims,
But those people did not know their truths or their aims.
I am sorry for those whose beliefs I’ve opposed,
But just know that for reasons, this poem’s composed.