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Term 5 Edition 2023-2024
Welcome to the Term 5 Edition 2023-2024! This edition features four feature articles including a lesson about the strategy of tetris (as promised), an overview of the history of symbol-fonts, an analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare field, an analysis of the mathematical properties of the number 2024, and a study about Music and the Brain. It also features student-spotlights, focusing on the George School Varsity Math Team's (GSVMT) successful season, the Science Olympiad Regional Tournament, and USAYPT. Thank you to all the contributors for this edition and stay tuned for the study of the operation of a recycling-plant that is part of next edition for Earth Day.
-Alana Sung '25, Co-Executive Editor
published 4/1/2024
Feature Articles
Eddie Scheurer '27
Luke Zhang '24
Aadil Siddique '26
Savina Vishalpura '26
Alana Sung '25
Irina Briskin '25
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