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The MATES Alliance

Astronomy Club

Why is the universe expanding? What happens when a star dies? Will aliens take over the earth? Welcome to astronomy club, where we make use of George School’s telescopes, learn about stars and planets, have opportunities to do real research, and meet other people interested in astronomy. All are welcome, whether you’re an astrophysics nerd or don’t know the first thing about astronomy.


The MATES Alliance is an alliance of nine George School clubs and organizations, all sharing the goal of promoting the MATES subjects to students at all levels. MATES is the official publication of all of these groups. MATES is also allied with ARGO and Curious George, which are George School's literary magazine and George School's newspaper respectively. The George School Varsity Math Team is also allied with many other sports teams, including Boys Soccer, Cross Country, Football, and Boys Lacrosse. GS Model UN and The Salted Tree (George School's podcast) are also allies.

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