Andrew Luisi '24
Hoverboards and Levitation
Hoverboards. Levitation. These are ideas of the future right? Well… they might be closer than you think. In 1911, about a little more than a century ago, Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered superconductivity. When something is superconductive, the material has no electrical resistance and magnetic flux fields are expelled. The result when paired with a magnet? Levitation.

You may ask, what is superconductivity and how does it work? First, we have to understand how a copper wire works. When you plug in a vacuum, it creates a circuit, which induces electrons to travel through. However, if you ever kept anything plugged in for a while, you would notice that the wire gets hot. That is because there is random movement in the system. When the electrons travel through the wire, they will bump and collide with other atoms because of the random movements due to heat. This in turn will heat the wire even more and more, which will cause even more loss of electricity to heat.
The solution? Cool it down. It was discovered that if you cool down a system with liquid nitrogen, the wire would hit a critical point where there was no electrical resistance at all. Many different compounds have different points, but they are all extremely cold. (In the -400℉ range) Scientists would power a closed circuit, cool it down below the critical point, and then leave it be without the power source. They would come back several years later and notice that the circuit lost no measurable power, thus deducing that once the circuit hit the critical point, there is absolutely no electrical resistance, or resistance so infinitesimally small that it shouldn’t be considered.
The is a unique property between the electrons that form a bond extremely weak that would have been broken by the random movement of atoms in a regular heated wire. This bond is called a Cooper pair, and it links two electrons together. The electron, a negatively charged subatomic particle, would create a disturbance as the positive atoms of the wire lost their electrons due to conduction. The new clumping of positively charged atoms would make electrons attracted to the area. While the electrons are of similar charge, the distance between the two would be between hundreds to thousands of atoms, a big enough distance to not be affected. Now, these electrons are bound together, traveling through the wire, otherwise known as a Cooper pair.

Now we are getting to the levitation part. When we bring in a magnet, it has its magnetic field, shown in the image below. In regular matter, non-superconductive matter, the fields would pass through the object. The matter will be completely fine with magnetic fields passing through it. However, this changes due to special properties of the superconductor, and something called the Meissner effect. The Meissner effect in short is the expulsion of the magnetic field from a superconductor. The magnetic fields cannot penetrate the object and instead go around it. This is due to the electrons forming small electron vertices or “coils” which happen because of the Cooper pairs. The magnetic fields that cannot go through the matter then surround the object, which leads us to quantum locking and flux pinning, the final steps to levitation.

Maybe at one point in your lifetime, you tried putting two magnets on top of each other and you realize that while they do repel each other, they fall off. That is because there is no force pinning them together as they just want to get away from each other. That brings in the next vocab word of the day: Flux Pinning! As shown in the image above, and mentioned numerous times already, the magnetic fields go around the superconductor. However, many shapes are imperfect, and have notches and indents, even if not visible to the human eye. If you were to take a thin superconductor, these imperfections would overpower the Meissner effect, and the magnetic field would penetrate the object at certain points. This creates “flux tubes” and stabilizes the hovering superconductor. Now, your superconductor is levitating in space and it would take an energy input or for the superconductor to heat up again for this to break. This phenomenon can be called flux pinning or quantum locking. The neat thing is that the superconductor can be held upside down by this force, still held in place.

Flux tubes shown are “pinning” the superconductor in place. These tubes form at the thinnest parts, penetrating the superconductor and holding it in place. This force can counteract gravity.
A superconductor (The puck-shaped object) upside down, against the force of gravity.
Great, that’s cool, but what are some applications? Currently, superconductivity is being used in MRI machines, hover trains (also known as Maglev Trains) which can go up to 600km per hour, and particle colliders. What about hoverboards? While some have been created, there are no practical ones, mostly due to the low temperature needed. The most famous application of superconductivity in hoverboards is the Lexus one, used for a commercial. The board had to be cooled by liquid nitrogen every ten minutes, however.

The Lexus Hoverboard
What is the future of quantum locking? Obviously, the problem here is the temperature needed to be reached to function. However, different compounds have different critical points. The highest known critical temperature is -94℉, (The superconductor was under an extreme pressure of 2,653,792.5924 atm. 1 atm is atmospheric pressure) which is extremely high compared to the -400℉ some other compounds have to reach. With more research, maybe the future of hoverboards and hovercars will become a reality. Maybe this will help solve climate change, car crashes, and traffic. Only the future will tell.
Boaz Almog “levitates” a superconductor. (2012, July 2). Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXHczjOg06w
Fuge, L. (2020, October 16). Superconductor happy at room temperature. Cosmosmagazine.Com. https://cosmosmagazine.com/science/superconductor-happy-at-room-temperature/
How do Superconductors work at the Quantum level? (2021, April 3). Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vruYFOlM1-Q
Superconductors enable lower cost MRI systems. (n.d.). Nasa.Gov. Retrieved November 16, 2021, from https://spinoff.nasa.gov/Spinoff2012/hm_6.html
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2018). Meissner effect. In Encyclopedia Britannica.
The physics of superconductors. (2018, December 3). Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6FYs_AUCsQ
(2015, June 26). Wired. https://www.wired.com/2015/06/lexus-hoverboard-slide/