Anniversary Edition
May 20th… wait, it’s MATES’ first year anniversary! 🥳 A year ago, while most of the events were happening virtually, a group of members from GS Math Team, CrypNTo and GS Math and Beyond Club published our first newsletter regardless of the physical distance that separated us apart 👍. That was also the day when the MATES alliance formed. In this magical year, MATES witnessed the exchange of numerous ideas and sharing of passions via our platform. We would like to thank all the readers, writers, editors, and faculty members who contributed tremendously to making MATES possible 🤝. Their dedication to MATES and love for STEAM are sources of power that motivate us to advance forward. For MATES, STEAM subjects are never daunting or boring, but surprisingly inclusive: they permeate every aspect of life, from music 🎶 to sports, from cryptocurrency to video games… In this spirit of MATES, we would like to share our Anniversary Edition with you along with writers and editors Alex Chen, Linglong Dai, Jimmy Ding, Sam Gorby, Forest Ho-Chen, Rudy Jatnieks, Max Lin, Andrew Luisi, Shane Vogel, Jackson Yang, and Camellia Zheng. 🧡
- Alex Chen '24
By Shane Vogel '24
Have you ever wanted a massive fruit arrangement growing in your backyard, full of antique stone fruits originating from centuries back? Well, if that’s the case, you should hear about Sam Van Aken’s “Tree of 40 Fruits”. The Tree of 40 Fruits was a complex agricultural art project undertaken by this Professor of Sculpture at Syracuse University, and it was made using the age-old technique of “grafting”.

By Sam Gorby '23
The purpose of this article is to dissect what agents have higher picks in the professional scene and explain why that might be. The data utilized will be from Champions 2021, one of the biggest professional tournaments in Valorant.

By Jackson Yang '25
“Fake” construction mainly includes methods such as marking a straight edge or not approved use of compass while constructing certain diagrams.

By Max Lin '24
Effective May 20th, 2019, which was also the 144th anniversary of the Meter Convention, the kilogram, ampere, kelvin, and mole are now defined by setting exact numerical values, when expressed in SI units, for the Planck constant (h), the elementary electric charge (e), the Boltzmann constant (k_B), and the Avogadro constant (N_A), respectively.

By Camellia Zheng '23
“For the first time, we have a direct snapshot of the black hole Sagittarius A,” astronomers
announced this Thursday.

By Linglong Dai '23
In a recent article from Quanta Magazine, titled “How to Write Software with Mathematical Perfection”, the interviewee Turing Award laureate Leslie Lamport suggests thinking about programs via mathematics. His thought does not come from nowhere; the origin of computer science is interconnected with a branch of mathematics called constructive mathematics.

By Jimmy Ding '23
TNT, acronym for trinitrotoluene(2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), is best known as a type of explosive material with easily operative conditions.

Varsity Academics
A Historical Year for both Varsity Math and Varsity Science

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