William Chen '25
USIYPT stands for US Invitational Young Physicists Tournament. It’s a research-based competition: the organizer gives 4 problems, each team solves at least 3 of them, and presents in-person on a competition day every year.
The USIYPT team placed 5th nationally last year, and took a head start this year early this summer. This year’s team is significantly larger with around 18 students involved, and more prepared with last year’s experience. Here are the questions they are working on:
Magnetic Collisions
Magnetic dynamics carts are often used to show both elastic, and inelastic, collisions. While in the inelastic case the abutting magnets collide and stick together, in the elastic case they repel magnetically without touching.
Modify your school’s dynamics carts to collide inelastically without touching each other in the process. Clearly show that momentum is continuously conserved, and explain how the excess kinetic energy is dissipated.
This is, as I think, a mechanics question set in an E&M framework. This group plans to measure position and current generated by magnetic induction.
The Surface of the Moon