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Student Independent Research Overview

Kavya Gounder '26

Kavya Gounder '26

This academic year, students at GS have embarked on meaningful independent research projects, showcasing their creativity and passion for STEAM. Let’s explore a few of the endeavors this year:

  1. Leeloo Boublil ‘24 is channeling creativity into designing a computer controlled kinetic art display, exploring the concept of art in motion. By combining programming, mechanical engineering, and her artistic vision, the project involves creating dynamic artwork that responds to computer commands. The art display merges technology and aesthetics, creating an interactive experience that challenges the concepts of traditional art.

  2. Bao (Michael) Do ‘25 is designing a soccer-playing robot set to compete in the Robocup event to occur in 2024. Michael is a part of the Robotics Team at GS and will take part in the event against teams from across the area. The challenge is to design an autonomous robot that can “play soccer in a highly dynamic environment that mimics a real soccer field”.

  3. Noordeep (Noori) Nagra ‘25 is constructing an environmental monitoring station focused on observing the Newtown Creek as it flows through the GS campus. By combining environmental science, sensor technology, and data analytics, the project will monitor the creek’s ecological qualities. Noori’s project offers valuable insight for conservation efforts and the understanding of local ecosystems. Her environmental stewardship demonstrates the use of technology in preserving natural habitats.

These projects (and more), show the innovation of GS students and their abilities to merge multiple disciplines to showcase their thinking. As these students continue to explore their passions at higher levels, they exemplify academic exploration and curiosity at GS.

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