GS Varsity math: A Fall Season Retrospective
Sam Gorby '23
Another great season for the math team, with minimal loss. I think everyone's looking forward to next year. If you're interested in joining the math team, please contact Kevin Moon! -William
The George School Varsity Math Team (GSVMT) has had quite the season! With a 7-1 record, it’s no wonder the team placed #1 within the High School Philly League! Let’s break down some of the games:
1. GS vs William Penn Charter School
GS Final Score: 33/40 Opponent Final Score: 31/40 George School Win!
Top 5 GS players: MC Gu, Wilson Chen, Linglong Dai, Jackson Yang, and Ted Xia.Â
Perfect Scores: MC Gu
Avg. Time: 25:22
Game Summary: GS had a strong kickoff to the season! Though Penn Charter certainly put up a decent fight, they were no match for the GS geniuses. MC Gu had a particularly strong performance, being the only GS player to get all of the questions correct.
2. GS vs Abington Friends School
GS Final Score: 40/40 Opponent Final Score: 25/40 George School Win!
Top 5 GS Players: Linglong Dai, Wilson Chen, MC Gu, Ted Xia, Kevin Gong
Perfect Scores: All 5 top players got perfect scores!
Avg. Time: 18:51
Game Summary: This game was an absolute BLOWOUT! Not only were all of the top scores perfect, but we beat AFS by a whopping FIFTEEN points! A great performance from all players on the team!
3. GS vs The Hill School
GS Final Score: 30/40 Opponent Final Score: 32/40 GS Loss to Hill
Top 5 GS Players: Wilson Chen, Ted Xia, Wilson Xu, MC Gu, and Linglong Dai
No Perfect Scores
Avg. Time: 26:42
Game Summary: GS was unfortunately bested by Hill in this match. Though our average time was a minute below Hill, we scored 2 less points, and ultimately lost. Sworn to get vengeance, the team was determined to win for the rest of the season…
4. GS vs Springside Chestnut Hill Academy
GS Final Score: 29/35 Opponent Final Score: 12/35 George School Win!
Top 5 GS Players: Wilson Chen, MC Gu, Jackson Yang, Alex Chen, and Yuki Wang
Perfect Scores: Wilson Chen
Avg. Time: 27:11
Game Summary: Coming off of the loss to Hill, the GS team showed the ability to recover quickly, and performed as well as ever! In addition to the 17-point lead, GS also had a 2.5 minute faster average time! This victory was well-deserved, and a special shout-out to Wilson Chen for being the only GS player to get all 7 questions correct!
5. GS vs Shipley School
GS Final Score: 31/40 Opponent Final Score: 21/40 George School Win!
Top 5 GS Players: Jackson Yang, Wilson Chen, MC Gu, Yuki Wang, and Jimmy Ding
Perfect Scores: Jackson Yang
Avg. Time: 29:08
Game Summary: GS continued the season tenaciously, with an especially powerful performance by team member Jackson Yang, who was the only GS player to receive a perfect score. Though the average time was high for GS, it was still 50 seconds below Shipley. Overall, Shipley had a decent effort, but were no match for the GSVMT.
6. GS vs Westtown School
GS Final Score: 34/40 Opponent Final Score: 26/40 George School Win!
Top 5 GS Players: Wilson Chen, MC Gu, Linglong Dai, Kevin Gong, and Jimmy Ding
Perfect Scores: Wilson Chen and MC Gu
Avg. Time: 28:02
Game Summary: Both Wilson Chen and MC Gu received their third perfect scores of the season. Winning by 8 points, the GSVMT put forth a valiant effort, and ultimately found success!
7. GS vs The Agnes Irwin School
GS Final Score: 34/40 Opponent Final Score: 13/40 George School Win!
Top 5 GS Players: Linglong Dai, Jackson Yang, MC Gu, Luke Zhang, and Wilson Xu
Perfect Scores: Linglong Dai and Jackson Yang
Avg. Time: 25:20
Game Summary: Though Agnes Irwin’s average time was two minutes lower, GS got 21 more questions correct, the season record for score difference. Notable performances include Linglong Dai and Jackson Yang, who both received perfect scores. Amazing job!
8. GS vs Episcopal Academy.
This was it. It all came down to this to determine our rank within the Philly League. We were second only to Episcopal, so we needed a win against all circumstances. Our juniors were out for a mandatory college counseling meeting; most of our best players were out. It was down to about 10 people competing. So how did it go?
GS Final Score: 16/40 Opponent Final Score: 15/40 George School Win!
Top 5 GS Players: Kevin Gong, Lingling Dai, Jackson Yang, Peter Tang, and Sam Gorby
No Perfect Scores
Avg. Time: 29:39
Game Summary: It was looking grim. The team completed their portion the day before Episcopal Academy, so we were not confident in our performance. However, the major upset in the League was us winning by 1 point, taking first place for the fall season!
Senior Shoutout:
The team would like to thank the seniors who will not be returning for the next fall season. Special thanks to Linglong Dai, Wilson Chen, Sam Gorby, Camellia Zheng, Wade Wang, Yuki Wang, Jimmy Ding, and Ted Xia!